
Posts Tagged ‘Kesehatan n Seks’




3 quick questions:

1. Are you a guy or do you know one close to you over the age of 35?
2. Have you or he looked at your/his bare chest lately?
3. If so… did you see them?…The dreaded….


Obviously if you are female this is not an issue. But for us men, “gynaecomastia”, often jokingly referred to as manboobs (we can thank “Seinfeld” for that) is anything but funny.

From this point on, I’ll refer to it as “MB” if that’s okay by you.

MB is not an age thing. It can occur at almost any time in life. However, for those of us over 35, it is more common.

This is just one of the many symptoms of “andropause”, or “male menopause.”

When you age your testosterone levels decline…and more than that the testosterone gets “weaker” due to an imbalance between it and estrogen.

When you combine that with our modernized “estrogen-rich” environment that Dr. Holly Lucille frequently lectures on, you have a problem.

A big MB problem.

MB is associated with lack of drive (you know what I’m talking about guys) and excess bellyfat due to the estrogen.

Even more serious:  Excess estrogen has been positively linked to prostate cancer.

Yep. MBs are not so funny after all.

Check out Dr. Lucille’s NaturaPause Audios. There is an entire audio dedicated to male menopause and natural solutions that really work.

Most do not work worth a darn.

Hers does.

Click Here

How To Gain Muscle And Burn Bodyfat At The Same Time



I just received this article from Jon Benson and HAD to share it with you.

It really opened my eyes to what is possible.

Let me know what you think, okay?


How To Gain Muscle And Burn
Bodyfat At The Same Time

by Jon Benson

What is your “big dream?”
I have two:

— To make an impact on the lives of over 10M people before I die;
— To have a family that’s mobile so I can live in many places.

Not bad, right?

Want to know a “third” dream of mine?  One that I saw become a reality a few years ago?
To gain muscle AND burn bodyfat all at the same time.

It’s like a pipe-dream that somehow worked its way through the pipes and into my gym.

It is not easy, granted, but you can do it.

Almost anyone can do it.

You just have to train and eat in a very specific way.

Listen:  You do NOT want to just “burn bodyfat” or god-forbid “lose-weight”… that will not give you the body you want.

You absolutely MUST shape your muscles, tighten and tone, and burn bodyfat.

And you can do it at the same time.

Most pros disagree with me. They think it is metabolically impossible to gain muscle while in a state of low-calorie dieting.

They are wrong.

Here’s an article I wrote on this topic. I hope you enjoy it.

To save you time, I put a link to the online complete version of the article below…

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Freee 16-Minute NaturaPause Video



If you have stubborn bodyfat that just does not want to budge, you will find this freee video helpful.

It’s only 16 minutes long and covers the connection between your “hormones” and bodyfat.

Not only bodyfat… Your sexual-drive, your energy, your mood, and of course issues like menopause, andropause (male menopause) and more.

Give it a look…

click here

Just by taking some of Dr. Lucille’s advice (natural, without harmful drugs) you can kick-start your hormonal system back into overdrive.

That’s the best way to end stubborn bodyfat and reboot your drive at the same time.

Mari Bermain dengan G-Spot

11/09/2009 2 komentar

Misteri tititk G yang dapat memberi kenikmatan dan sensasi yang dasyat saat berhubungan seksual sampai sekarang memang masih menjadi silang pendapat para wanita dan tentunya para ahli seksologi. Umumnya para wanita memang sulit menemukan titik G yang konon berada pada dinding depan vagina sekitar satu setengah hingga dua inci dari lubang luar vagina. Kesulitan menemukan daerah ini terjadi tidak semua wanita siap menerima rangsangan secara “sadar” saat mencapai titik ini. Baca selengkapnya…

Ejakulasi Dini ( No Way ) Inilah Solusinya !!!

Fakta membuktikan bahwa sebagian pria tidak dapat memuaskan pasangannya saat bercinta.
Pria yang seperti ini biasanya sudah selesai permainannya alias mengalami ejakulasi yang terlalu
cepat sementara pasanganya belum mencapai apa-apa. Bagaimana cara mengatasi ejakulasi dini ini?

Hingga kini belum ada obat yang terbukti efektif dalam mengobati ejakulasi dini.
Tapi ada beberapa trik atau teknik tertentu yang cukup efisien dalam menunda ejakulasi. Empat hal berikut bisa anda lakukan untuk Anda yang kesulitan menunda ejakulasi. Dengan empat teknik berikut anda bisa memperpanjang permainan seks anda dan bisa memuaskan pasangan anda.
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